Monday, January 31, 2011

God Gave Me You.

have you ever felt so in love, that you honestly felt that nothing else in the entire world  mattered? like seriously...think about it. in light of all your busy activities, schedules, commitments, hobbies etc. when you think about that one person, everything else in your life is just dim in comparison?

i had one of those moments five minutes ago. i was just laying on my back in my tiny bedroom, listening to one of my favorite songs, "God Gave Me You" by Dave Barnes...and seriously, I wanted to cry. In that moment, all I could think of  were the words, "God gave me you for the ups and downs, God gave me you for the days of doubt. For when I think I've lost my way, there are no words left to say--it's true...God gave me you!" Friends, God gave me Jesus. He is with me through the ups and downs, in my darkest moments of doubt and unbelief. And yes, when I feel that all hope is gone and that I have lost my way, I can hold to that truth that Jesus is mine! He loves me! He surrounds me. He is mine to love with all my heart. I can lavish all of my affection upon Him! He holds me, I trust in Him. He leads me, I follow Him. He strengthens and helps me...I believe in Him.

I had another moment of just deep thought as I was just reflecting on life, and even just how much I miss Libby Griswold. And it occurred to me, wow...what if I were to die today? What would I want to leave behind? What is the one thing that I would want people to remember me for? What would my legacy be? And I then I knew...

I'd want people to know that Jesus loves them.

I want my life to be a living testimony to the abundant grace of God. I want my trials and struggles to point to the fact that I have a faithful Father in heaven who is sovereignley allowing things to happen to me because He is making me stronger. I just want the world to know that they have hope. Hope in a real God. Not some fake, superficial idol. No--a real, tangible, active, living, and all-powerful God....who loves them no matter where the are in life. Who cherishes and adores them more than anyone else in the entire world. Who has great and unbelievable plans for their life. Who is leading them gently, caring and providing for  their every need, and helping them along the way.

This is the God that I am so hopelessly in love with.

And He can be your God too.


Nichole Wilson said...

Hannah, that post was beautiful!

Brittany Lou said...

this post is amazing.
i just came across your blog and your words spoke to my heart. I totally agree! Being in love with God is the best thing i could ever imagine. With valentines day coming up, sometimes i forget that...but who needs earthly love when you have the love of a magnificent savior?

Thanks for your thoughts,
Brittany Lou

lauren nicole said...

This is such a profound and beautiful post! Jesus satisfies the deepest desires of our hearts and loves us with such a deep love.

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I love following yours and love reading all of your writings :)

In Christ,