Wednesday, February 9, 2011

You Did It!!!!!

She did it! All done! All 12 chemo treatments. Oh Lib, I cannot even contain my joy right now! I am just so proud of you and completely blown away by the faithfulness of God throughout this whole season. I will never forget my mom picking me up from work that hot August day, and through tears, telling me you had cancer. I was completely numb. But then I saw you, and talked with you....and I honestly was like,"Dude, this girl sure 'aint actin like she got cancer!!" Haha
But seriously love, we are so happy for you. Thank you for being strong. Thank you for not giving into hopelessness and despair. What a testimony you are my sweet friend. I know that so many people's lives have been changed by reading your story and hearing all about how much the Lord has done...from your own lips. So thank you dear one. Thank you for fighting. Thank you for trusting. Thank you for BELIEVING.

i'm grinning as i look at my Team Libby bracelet: "Hope, Faith, Courage, Love."

yep. that's our Libby girl.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

What an awesome and inspiring story!