Friday, January 28, 2011

Seeking the Lord.

"But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul."
Deuteronomy 4:29

What a promise this is... if we seek the Lord, we will find Him! I have been clinging to this promise lately. It's so easy to stray and drift from God. Anyone know what I'm talking about? How quickly I can lose sight of my Savior! But this remains true: If I seek Him with all of my heart, I will find Him!

Since claiming this over my day, I have come to know so much peace. There is so much freedom in trusting and leaning on our faithful Lord! He has it all figured out! The reality that no matter what I do, God's plan will always work out and it will be perfect...that brings me so much relief. I so often fear that I will somehow "mess up" God's plan by being in the "wrong" place, making the "wrong" decision, or not doing "what I should" be doing. This is so not true!
Listen to what I'm saying! It is impossible to "mess up" God's plan for your future, your life, your day. If you love God, you are walking in His plan! Set your heart to serve and honor Him only! For the truth is, He loves you so incredibly much, and He is leading you! Even in those times when you're like, "this is crazy, how can this be God's plan??" It is!

"...for the Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard."
Isaiah 52:12
He is surrounding you right now. You are right where you should be: in the center of His will. He is going before you, and he is going behind you! Guiding you in His wonderful, all-perfect plan. So take heart! He is here for you and with you wherever you go...
Also, if you happen to think of it, llease pray for me! I am going up to Rockbridge this weekend for a Young Life leaders retreat! Its going to be an amazing time of prayer, fasting, fellowship, and just waiting upon the Lord. Pray that the Spirit would just meet us all there and that God would speak to each of us. I am so incredibly excited!
Have a wonderful day friends. I am praying for all of you and hope you feel the Lord's love surrounding you today. And even if you don't "feel" His love surrounding better believe me, it IS! :)

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