Wednesday, August 31, 2011

it's all about You...

I said goodbye to my dear friends/ brother and sister in Christ, Justin and Libby Ryder yesterday. They are moving to Harrisonburg so Justin can lead there, and the plan was for them to leave in about two weeks, but their little river house sustained some damage in the hurricane, so they had to leave today. Probably one of the saddest moments ever for me. I just seriously was like, Lord...I don't know how much more of this I can handle! What with struggling with Lyme's which is getting harder and harder, trying to stay alive in nursing, and just other things that have been weighing me down...
But it times like last night where I just literally want to cry and not do anything else, I am reminded of the One who is carrying me. Who is sustaining me. Who is holding me. I don't understand why life is so hard, but I am learning day by day that I don't need to understand. What matters is Who I look to when I feel like throwing in the towel. In the end, my eyes are going to look to Jesus, because I am reminded that He is all I have. Hallelujah!! All I have is Christ! I need nothing more.

I am so sad about Justin and Lib moving. But the Lord brought a song to mind that really encouraged me. As I am washing dishes, just sobbing into the soapy water, Let Your Kingdom Come came on, and I could do nothing but lift my hands and whisper "Okay God. This is all for You. For the sake of Your Gospel. So that Your Kingdom may come and so everyone might know Your Name! You are going to use Justin and Lib to advance your's all about You Lord. Your will be done."

Sometimes God just does things because He is Sovereign and He has a plan. And yes, sometimes it just really sucks because it involves losing those we love and going into the unknown. But we are following Jesus, and in the end, He remains faithful. He remains good. And that will never, ever change.

I read this scripture today in my quiet time, and oh, did it encourage my weary heart!

"Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them!"
Psalm 126:5-6
No matter how hard the road gets, the Lord PROMISES that we will return with songs of joy!! :-) I will cling to that truth today.
Random I know, but here are some pictures from my church graduation!


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