Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lattes, laughs...and hope.

Well today...today was a good day.
It was the first day of school for all the public schools, so we no longer have the whole, quiet building to ourselves. Which is frustrating. It's so much louder and more crowded. But hey, lemme tell you one thing. I have never been so happy in my life NOT to be going back to high school in the afternoons! Haha to celebrate, I drove to Starbucks (which is right down the road from nursing...how awesome Lord!) and treated myself to my favorite drink: A grande skinny Cinnamon Dulce latte. I love that latte, man. It's like major comfort and love and joy. All in a single cup :) I do want to branch out a bit though...I need a new favorite drink. I like trying new things. Any suggestions??

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So yeah, I had a friend encourage me this weekend. She wrote me a letter that God spoke to her. Just lifted my spirits so much and oh...made me want to hope and believe in the faithful, steadfast love of my Lord once again. I prayed in the car for the first time in awhile. Like actually prayed. Not sobbing and complaining to God. Just prayed. I asked Him for joy, for strength. I asked Him to let me see what a day without Lyme's would be like. Like just so I could get really excited about how much better I am going to be feeling. And by golly, did He answer! I was like CRAZY today! :-) Cracking jokes, laughing my head off at stupid things, not feeling like I was going to pass out from exhaustion while taking notes, actually feeling energy at the end of class...WOW. People seriously. It's like one of those things where unless you have to experience it, it just doesn't sound that awesome. But oh my freaking goodness it WAS. God is good.

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I felt real tired after coming home, but went out to the garage and just worked out for awhile. That felt awesome. The doc says it's great that I have been exercising so long because my symptoms could be so much worse. I don't even want to think about feeling worse than I do...

All that to say, I think my faith is being strengthened little by little each day. God keeps sending me conformation regarding things I have been carrying in my heart, and it's crazy seeing it unfold. I have hope again.

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I am reading a million books in my quiet time, and it's been GREAT! I highly recommend these books!
  • Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon (daily devotional)
  • Beside Still Waters also by Spurgeon
  • Edges of His Ways by Amy Charmichael (LOVE THIS)
  • A Woman after God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George (my little sis Naomi and I are gonna start this together)
  • A Place of Quiet Rest by Elizabeth Elliot

Well, I am tired (surprise surprise) and have homework to do yet... love ya'll! God Bless you!!!


Anonymous said...

great post thanks for sharing...

Christina said...

Hi Hannah!
Just a suggestion...have you tried reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp? It is about seeing God in the most ordinary of ways in our days and it literally changed my perspective on everything I looked at. Many Blessings!