Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Final Stretch!

Well, yesterday was my first day back to Nursing!! I am so thankful the Lord helped me make in through Nursing I and II. Definitely the hardest thing I have ever done, but He has continued to strengthen and sustain me.
I am excited for this final stretch...I am so ready to be a nurse and get out into the world to start serving the Lord through nursing! It is for sure going to be a challenging year, as it is twice as long of a day, and there are tests and reading and notes and clinicals all the time. But anything worth having is worth fighting for. I am becoming more certain day by day that nursing is where God has called me.

Please continue to pray for me! I am still feeling physically exhausted (I just found out I have had Lyme's disease for about a year now) and life feels kinda stressful still. But GOD IS GOOD and I know He is so faithful to me.

"Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." -Jim Elliot

Love you all! Have an amazing Tuesday!

1 comment:

Our Journey said...

I (Samantha) am in school right now to get my LPN. You can count on our prayers.

Hang in there!!

God bless
Adam and Samantha