Friday, December 10, 2010


today was difficult for some reason. i woke up excited it was friday, yet as the day progressed, that excitement dimmed. i guess im just burned out. i have really been pushing myself hard with school. i am so motivated to crush it. i want to get an A in nursing, and i certainly am not getting it handed to me. but on the other hand, i have been getting more excited about being a nurse. i can't wait to just help people....
which leads to the hardest part of the day.
i saw my sweet libby tonight. i haven't seen her in so long because it is really really hard to see her with her being home trying to rest, and me being a full time high school senior and nursing student. but the lord has all of that figured out too.

but yeah. i was with my daddy, and he went with me to take libby and justin their dinner. Vietnamese noodles for justin and chick-fil-a soup for lib. when she opened the door, i wanted to cry. she looked exhausted. and sick. and utterly worn down. and all i wanted to do was scream, "Oh, God why!!!!!!" I wish i could have cancer instead of her. i wish i could help her. i wish i could actually do something to help her pain go away. but all i can do is stand back...i am utterly helpless. there isn't anything i can do.
but... my Father can do something.
so friends, please.... please pray for a miracle with me. pray that this awful cancer will flee from libby's body in the mighty Name of Jesus. pray that she will be completely healed. pray for's killing him to see his sweet wife battling this. and pray for hope. we all need hope.

i know and believe God can and will heal Libby. i believe that with all my heart. it's just really hard sometimes. but He knows. thank God i don't have to have all things figured out! and thank you for all your prayers and encouragement. means the world to me.
now off to watch a christmas movie and drink some hot peppermint tea! love ya'll.

And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Romans 5:2-5


Sweet Libby and her little dollie girl, Ava


lauren nicole said...

I am praying!

In Christ,

Anonymous said...

I too am praying!

God's Blessings!!!


Kaz said...

Hi Hanna, thanks for visiting my blog.
Your blog also is beautiful.
I am sorry that you and your family are having to go through this rough time, But I praise God, that you have placed your hope in Him. He will strengthen each one of you for this journey. He has each one of you in the palm of His hand.
Lord please bless this family, and especially Libby, at this time. Bring healing to each one, their spirits, minds and bodies.
I rebuke you spirit of infirmity and spirit of cancer in the mighty name of Jesus of Nazareth, and proclaim victory over these spirits in the Name of Jesus. Jesus you are our healer, and by Your stripes we are healed!
All Glory and Honour and Praise to Jehovah Rapha, My God Who Heals!
Bless you sister in Christ