Monday, December 6, 2010

at peace.

so it's 10:02 pm on a monday night....and i'm exhausted beyond description. i think i'm running on 3 hours of sleep since friday. i have a huge nutrition test tomorrow and about a zillion other things i should be doing. oh, and don't even get me started on all my other school work. and yes, i am asking myself the same question: why am i blogging again???
i don't know. it just hit me.

i feel really happy right now.
strangely content.

praise be to God! if i weren't so tired, i would heave a giant sigh of relief. hehe however, like i said, it was a long weekend. i was at a young life camp doing work crew with about 50 other kids. we literally cleaned and worked from 10:30pm friday night to 2:30pm sunday afternoon...and i mean non stop. it was the most exhausting, rewarding, and amazing experience. i got to serve kids that they might know the Savior's love! i cannot express my joy.

and i just wanted to let ya'll know, if any of you have been praying for me...i think it's working. i am peaceful and trusting God. and it has been a long time since i have trusted Him completely, dear friends. in everything. the stress about college. the constant awareness of my own shortcomings. my worries of never being loved or never having someone want to cherish me. these things all just sap my joy and steal my enjoyment of God away from me. i don't want to live that way anymore.

so thank you. whoever you may be.thank you for your unseen support through these difficult seasons. thank you, if you are praying. it means more to me than i can even say. i don't even know who reads this blog and if it's even encouraging.but i want you to know that i pray for you daily!! i pray that the Lord speaks through me-a simple girl who needs her Savior day after day- and that you hear his "well done" and feel His love. He gives me these words. they aren't mine. i honestly wouldn't be able to just sit down and write like this if it weren't for Him.

so yes. i am thankful. thankful for you. thankful for Christmas. thankful for violin and piano and voice. thankful for the Word of God. thankful for hot cups of tea. thankful for running shoes and an ipod.thankful for country music. thankful for my parents and sisters. thankful for my Young Life family and friends.thankful for hope.....
and thankful for my flannel covered pillow that is calling my name.

love you guys.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love this post! ♥ God is so good to me, and I am also thankful for all the amazing things he does for us. God is so Good! :)