Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life. ~P.D. James

Can it be? Is fall really here? I am so excited!
I do love summer, don't get me wrong. No school, driving with the top down to the beach, lazy afternoons in the AC, and of course, Young Life Camp :D (BEST part by far!!!!!)

Yet oh, that first morning you wake up and shiver because you left the window open. Or the wonderful morning that is dark and still...almost like it's just you and God. Waking up to hot cider, Cinnamon rolls and just...that smell of fall. Anyone know what I mean?

I am blown away! Blown away by the awesome power of our God! He didn't have to make four separate seasons. He didn't have to bless us with a change of scenery. He didn't have to grant us reprieve from stifling summers or bitter winters...but He does. What a God! What a Creator!

As seasons change, I am reminded how my own life's seasons change. I grow up. I move on. I make new friends, see new places, and form new habits.
I am so thankful that my life changes...I know I would be so bored and it would make life seem rather dull. Yet how kind of God to allow us to walk through different seasons!

But how about this wonder of wonders?

He will never change.

Seasons may change, circumstances may change, relationships may change. But our Father's love and nearness are as constant as the rising sun. Think of it! The sun is always rising and setting....even if it's hidden by storm clouds, masked by the pouring rain, or is invisible to us because of the cover of darkness. But it'still there isn't it?! I certainly hope it is! :)

I don't know about you dear friends, but I find such peace in knowing my Father is always with me. Remember that today! No matter what season you are in...

He is never changing.

Lift Your Eyes to Him!


Mimi said...

Great post Hannah! I am so loving this fall season more than in years past =) Cinnamon rolls sounds delicious! I may have to make some this week!

Moriah Simonowich said...

Hey Girl! :D

I posted about your blog on mine...here is the link!

Oh, and I *love* this post you did about fall...I agree with *everything* you said! Wow! What a comfort that is to know that God *never* changes! :)

Well, I hope that you have a great rest of the week!


Your Sister in Christ,

Kaitlyn said...

beautiful blog!!!!
Check out my blog!!

Feel free to follow!!


Taylor said...

Hi Hannah!
I was directed to your blog through Moriah's... and I love it. ;) Just wanted to leave you a little note and say "hello!" Have a blessed day!

-- Taylor

Moms said...

I love how you write! You have your daddy's gift. Thank you for sharing your post and the beautiful pictures. I love you and how you walk out your life.

Kristen said...

Hi Hannah!

Autumn is my favorite time of year! I just started following your blog. I love it!!! It's so hard to find REAL Christian blogs, and I believe your's is one. By the way, did you take most of the pics posted on your blog? They're beautiful! You have a great talent for writing also. Please visit my blog whenever you can. It's Learning Life's Lessons. I believe it's on Moriah's blog list. Bye!

Moriah Simonowich said...

Yay, Hannah! I'm so glad that your getting some feedback!! :D


Rebekah said...

This is such a neat post...and so true! I would have to say that fall is probably my favorite season...and the crisp, clean, fresh smell of fall is so refreshing!

You have a really neat blog! It's so neat to see other young ladies seeking to encourage others...thank you!

Keep shining for the Lord!