Sunday, June 6, 2010

Oh Father....HELP ME MAKE IT!

Hello friends!
So yeah... I am finally back on. This whole concept of actually having time to blog is still quite foreign! But at last, I have conquered the top of the hill, and it's just a matter of endurance to the end of the school year.... just what...11 more days?? Yay!!
Needless to say, I've been pretty discouraged just because it feels like I still have SUCH a long way to go yet...but the Lord knows about that too :) He has never once failed to be faithful to me, and even through this grit and grime, I know He will continue to sustain me.

Some exciting news! I am officially enrolled in an LPN Nursing program! This fall, I will start my nursing career! I am so excited, so stressed and so hopeful for what God has. It sounds like it is going to ba an exreamly difficult and rigorous course... so much for an easy, carefree senior year! lol
Yet I know this is just another small sacrafice compared to the rewards that will follow. After 3 semesters, I will be able to get a job anywhere as an LPN. What a blessing!! No more borrowing money from the little sissies for Starbucks!! ;) I know THEY'RE excited about that too!!

So all that to say, please keep me in your prayers. I am weary and so in need of a renewal. Trusting that it is already on it's way...

Have a wonderful week friends! Remember to lift your eyes!! So much more is hapening than what we see with our human eyes...Our King of Kings is on the move!

Pressing Onward,

Aslan is on the move!

1 comment:

Mama said...

Girl...I'm inspired by your perserverance. We still believe....all hard work leads to profit. The plans of the diligent...they succeed. Thanks for not giving up. Thanks for not whining about how hard life is. You did it. You pressed on. The finish line is up ahead and I know you can see it. There's a power surge left in you. Go for it sweetness. "...when I run, I feel His pleasure." I hope you see His smile pulling you into that finish line.