Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Love Day!

Hahaha so yes, me and my family have always called Valentines Day, "Love Day". Don't know why, don't know how it started, but that's our thing. So this morning, all you could hear was random, "Happy Love Day!" being said all through the house. It was really beautiful..

I know there are alot of mixed feelings/opinions about today. Some say the holiday is way to over-rated. Some say way too commercialized. Some say it's just one more stress. Some love it though! They really go all out with gifts, chocolate and the like, and really seek to make it special. Having all girls in our family, we tend to go with the loving the holiday part. When we were very young, it was our tradition to go to our Daddy's office the night before Valentine's and we would decorate his whole office with balloons, hearts, banners we had made, cards we had created, and of course, all his favorite candies scattered everywhere. It was so much fun for us to imagine his face when he would get to work the next morning. Then, on the actual day of Valentine's, we always dressed up super pretty and took him lunch. It made us feel so beautiful when he would compliment us on all our red and pink dresses and bows. One year we even wrote him a song, and we all 4 sang it for him in front of the whole office..."Buzz buzz buzz. Bee Bee Bee...Be our Valentine sweet Daaaaddyy!" Heheh oh my goodness I will never forget that :)
Well years have passed and no, we do not still go and sing buzz buzz buzz at his office ...but we have kept a few traditions. Each year, he presents us each with our favorite candy and a bandanna! We honestly thought he had forgotten this year, but sure enough, as we are all eating breakfast before school, he emerged from the garage holding each of our Valentines day presents! Ahhh..it's the little things like that that encourage my heart so much. Makes me remember what being a family is all about. Loving one another. Making cards, surprising each other, singing love songs all day...we are celebrating Jesus!He IS love! Love is of God. It's not about the candy or the roses. It's not about all the commercialized phrases or cards. It's about Him. His joy. His life. HIS love for us! I look around today, and I am surrounded by His love for me...through my family, through my friends, and yes....even through a soldier off fighting for our country in Afghanistan. Jesus' love is everywhere friends. I promise you, you don't need to look to far to find how much he treasures you.
Remember His love for you today!

Enjoy the rest of your evening! I am off to go running, then we are all going to enjoy a beautiful Valentine's Day "dinner date" as a family (another wonderful tradition!) Remember His Love!

Bandanna from Daddy :)

Roses and bear.... well yeah, those were kind of a huge surprise from someone else ;)


Hahah I was literally speechless! SO surprised :)


Rachel said...

I love this post so much, Hannah!! Your pics are adorable - hmmm that teddy bear and flowers are really cute too...are we going to hear about "mystery man" sometime? :) Lol, I'm just teasing - seriously, though I'm so happy that you have someone...he and your family are super blessed to have someone like you!! :) <3 Thanks for the encouragement about today - Happy Valentine's Day! <3
~Rachel <3

Rissi said...

Sweet pics., Hannah.

Happy [belated] "hearts day." =D