Saturday, January 14, 2012

just be a child.

So yeah....I am kind of like completely overwhelmed with JOY right now. Ever get those times when the Spirit just goes BAM and all of a sudden you are laughing, smiling, and singing like crazy?
Times like this, I just wanna play a concerto on my piano, go run a marathon, re-decorate my room, fiddle up a storm, or write like crazy....hehe
I'm listening to one of my favorite songs, "I Got a Feelin'" by Billy Currington. This song makes me so happy. Reminds me of summer, and gives me so so SO much hope for what the Lord is doing in my life, and all the things He has planned for me. One day, I'm gonna be able to sing this song to someone, and I know Jesus is just gonna be laughing and smiling right along with me ;)

"I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds!!"
 Psalm 9:1

He is so GOOD, friends!! Oh, that we would all know and believe that, and live our lives differently because of it! I just cannot wrap my mind around why He does the things He does, and I sure has heck don't understand His ways...and oh, the sweet sweet innocence of it all. Faith. The faith of a child. That is all we need bring before our loving Father. Just remember that today... all we need to do is trust Him. Keep walking. Keep believing that He is good. Keep loving Him. Keep serving Him. He has all the rest under control...
"God's got a plan for everything! No matter who, no matter what, no matter where...God is in control!" Cling to that truth today! Just rest. Let everything else fall at the feet of the cross. All your stress, all your worry, all your uncertainty. All your failures, all your mistakes, all your regret..lay them down. Let your Father take them upon Himself. And just dwell in the freedom that He gives! Be a child today. Laugh. Smile. Giggle. Crazy dance around your living room. Go on a walk and just enjoy His creation. Read a book. Close your eyes and sing a song. Bake cookies. Take a nap. Just be a child in the arms of your Father. He's got you, and He's not ever, ever, ever going to let you go. And that is a promise.


Moriah Simonowich said...

Beautiful! You have no idea just *how* much this post blessed me today. Thanks for sharing, Hannah. :)

Rissi said...

Cute pictures. =)