Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I am here!

Ahhhh, I can't tell you the bliss of opening my eyes early this morning, only to smile and close them again for another hour. Christmas Break has come at LAST! I have been workin so hard, and I am just so thankful for a breather and some rest.  God is good.
Resting is hard for me believe it or not. I am a very go go go person, and yeah, just the type to work super hard and fast because I want to get things done. But I can get so caught up in the whirlwind of life that I quickly lose sight of why i am doing what I am doing in the first place. I confess I struggle with feeling guilty when I rest, because I know there is always something better I could be doing than "waste my time relaxing". This year has been no exception sadly. However, now that I have two seconds to reflect, I see how God has been with me all throughout.

He has provided me with little pockets of rest here and there, and how refreshing they have been. I have been learning lately the importance of recognizing that I need to take a little time for myself each day, or I will quickly burn out. The past few crazy months I have been having to stick to the raw, straight basics of life: Nursing school, working out, eating, working, and sleeping. That is is folks. Nothing fancy about it. But i am so thankful for the fact that the Lord has been allowing me to focus and just put my head down and run my heart out. I have been waiting for this Christmas vacation for a long time.

I went on a long walk yesterday around my neighborhood. yes, a walk. Hahah which is huge for me. Another weird thing about me is i apply my passion for life to well, everything...including exercise. I have a hard time just walking for exercise. i always feel this unbelievable urge to run or sprint. but today, God told me to walk. So I did. How refreshing it was. yes, it's almost Christmas, but we have 70 degree weather here in Chesapeake. I was walking and just thinking all about a bunch of things, praying. And all I heard God say was this:

" I love you. I am so proud of you."

That's it. That's all I heard. But oh friends, how my heart needed that. I have felt so "far" from the Lord lately. With school, working, and church drama, it has been a real; struggle for me to seek the lord. I have not been to church in almost 3 months, and reading my Bible has been hard too. yet when I have opened it, I have gotten this insatiable desire to read even more. Oh, the power of God's word!! My thirsty soul so desperately needs to be watered with the truth of the Bible. My spirit is weak, and I really feel like a lost little girl in the mall who's been separated from her Mama. But faith. Oh sweet, sweet faith. The Lord grants it to those who ask. i want faith in Jesus. I want to believe that even in dry and hard times like this, he will never abandon me. Even when I turn my back on Him and walk away, he hotly pursues me. Like a persistent lover. He seeks after me, he finds me, and he loves me. I am cherished. Cherished. I love that word.

Well, I have no idea what the point of this post was supposed to be, hahha but that is okay :) Enjoy your Christmas everyone!! Never lose sight of the simple, miraculous point of the season: Unto us, a child is born, to us a Son is given!!

This is my favorite verse of Hark the Herald. To me, it is the Gospel. Listen to Carrie Underwood's version! So powerful!

Mild He lays His glory by

Born that man no more may die

Born to raise the sons of earth

Born to give them second birth

Hark! The herald angels sing

"Glory to the newborn King!"


More posts about the BEACH HOUSE coming soon!! Our friends arrive tomorrow from Arkansas, and then we will be heading to Nags Head on the 23rd! I am BEYOND EXCITED!

1 comment:

♥ my diary♥ said...

nice post...thank you for sharing...happy holidays...blessings soraya.