Tuesday, May 24, 2011

all the time!

Good morning friends!
Well, I have been up since 5:30 this morning- I had to work on a nursing assignment that I just honestly didn't feel like doing last night. I went to Starbucks actually last night, and read and took notes instead. Still school, but the change of scenery definately helped. Only 21 more days...boy does that seem like an eternity.

It's been hard here, but God is still faithful. Walking through seasons of trial and spiritual dryness can cause my soul to become easily wearied. But I don't know.... even in the midst of all of this stuff, there is a peace I have come to know over these past months. Like a real trust in God. I know that Jesus is in it with me for the long haul. He won't ever give up on me, even when I don't want to read my Bible, don't want to seek Him in prayer, cuz I might be angry at Him for "not answering me lately", or don't want to worship. Just frankly not caring about anything because life gets hard, and I just don't want to deal with it anymore. Anybody hearing me? Please say yes ;)

But that's not what following Christ means. You don't just throw in the towel when things get tough. You don't "ditch" Jesus because He didn't do what you, a mere human, thought the Almighty God should have done. No. When you commit your life to Him, you are ransomed, bought, and it's a forever contract. You are no longer your own, your life is not your own, and your plans are certainly not your own.

We only see the edges of our Mighty God's ways. How unsearchable his thoughts! I'm actually quite content with letting God worry about everything because psh, I know I certainly can't!

So yes, just thought I'd share that with y'all. Be encouraged. If you are like me, and just discouraged about your faith or whatever, don't be. God has never ever ever failed you or I, and He certainly won't start today. He is faithful and good...all the time.

(okay yeah, so the video is a little cheesy ; ) But oh my goodness, is it encouraging!!!!)

1 comment:

Mimi said...


Thank you for your honesty and YES I hear you. I experienced my own season of dryness just over a year ago. It was challenging to say the least but oh what joy there is on the other end! =) I will be praying for you that this season will pass.

I spent a lot of times in the Psalms during that time. The following books also gave me comfort and insight, The Praying Life, Spiritual Depression, Abide in Christ (given to me 2 years before by your Auntie Kim. I never read it until then) and Comforts of the Cross.

Continue to lean on him and trust in HIm. He loves and is still near to you.

Love ya
Auntie Mimi