Monday, November 7, 2011

on the verge of another monday...

well, here I am. Sunday night once again. I am dog tired, and not looking forward to getting up and starting a whole new week. But you know what, I have been dwelling on this truth this week, and that is the truth that tere is joy to be found in each day. Littl epockets of sunshine that I think the Lord strategically puts in my path. I know that might seem cheesy, haha but the analogy works for me ;)
So, rather than let you all know how much I really hate nursing right now, or how stressful my life is lol, I'll fill you in on what was really great about today.
I got to sleep in, I enjoyed a long leisurely cup of coffee with my parents, and got to just chill and watch hunting shows. No, I did not go to church. And that is okay. I just felt the need to rest and enjoy the gorgeous day the Lord had given us. My mama and I went for a 5 mile walk on the Great Dismal Swamp trail about 5 minutes from our house. It was awesome. We got to talk, enjoy the sinshine, get some good exercise, and just soak in the beauty of the leaves changing and the peace of a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

After that, I worked on some other things, and just hung out. I have a test tomorrow, but I really really don't feel like studying right now. Oh well, what better way to start the week than getting up before the sun, right? :)

Hope you have a wonderful week friends. Look for those hidden pockets of God's goodness throughout your will be amazed at how much they pop up when you look :)

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Hope you have an amazing week filled with peace and joy, Hannah!!

~Rachel <3