Saturday, May 14, 2011

the Kingdom.

It's been a rough week for me, friends. I'm in that final stretch, and honestly, I don't want to keep going. But oh, I am so close! I feel like I should be elated at being so near the end. But I'm not. At least not yet. I told my friend on the phone last night that "I'm just in that put your head down, don't think and run mode." That grueling final stretch of the race where your body is literally wasted, you are sore, tired, thirsty, and just mad. That's it. But I am clinging to something that encourages my heart every time I remember it.

My hero is Eric Liddel, and for those who don't know who he was, he was a true man of God, and an Olympian runner. Read a little bit about him here.
Anyways, there is an old movie called Chariots of Fire that was made about him, and it remains one of my favorite movies to this day. While there are hundreds of "favorite moments" for me throughout the movie, this is my favorite saying of his, and has been encouraging me more than I can say.

He is sharing his testimony about running for a large group of people, and asks this question:

"Where does the strength come from to see the race till the end??
From within."
Why can it come from within?
Because it is there that the kingdom of God dwells!
(Luke 17:21)

Wow. The kingdom of God me???

Yes! Praise God! Once again, he shows himself to be the wellspring of life, the never ending shower of mercy, power, strength and love. How good it is to be loved by Him, and to run for His glory!!

I am gonna make it, and I know that now. There is nothing that can hold me back, for I carry the kingdom in me! So goodness gracious, I'm gonna run my little heart out now. :)

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