Saturday, May 28, 2011

Press On!

"Continue in the faith."
Acts 14:22

Perseverance is the badge of true saints. The Christian life is not a beginning only in the ways of God, but also a continuance in the same as long as life lasts! It is with a Christian as it was with the great Napoleon: he said, "Conquest has made me what I am, and conquest must maintain me."
So, under God, dear brothers and sisters in the Lord, conquest has made you what you are, and conquest must sustain you. Your motto must be, "Excelsior!" he only is a true conqueror, and shall be crowned at the last, who continues till wars trumpet is blown no more.

Perseverance is, therefore, the target of all our spiritual enemies. The world does not object to your being a Christian for a time, if she can but tempt you to cease your pilgrimage, and settle down to buy and sell with her in Vanity Fair.The flesh will seek to ensnare you, and to prevent your pressing on to glory. "It is weary work being a pilgrim; come, give it up. Am I always to be mortified? Am I never to be indulged? Give me at last a furlough from this constant warfare."

Satan will make many a fierce attack on your perseverance; it will  be the mark for all his arrows. he will strive to hinder you in service: he will insinuate that you are doing no good; and that you want rest. He will endeavor to make you weary of sufferings, he will whisper, "Curse God, and die." Or he will attack your steadfastness: "What is the good of being so zealous? Be quiet like the rest; sleep as do others, and let your lamp go out as the other virgins do." Or he will assail your doctrinal sentiments:  "Why do you hold to these denominational creeds? Sensible men are getting more liberal; they are removing the old landmarks: fall in with the times."

Wear your shield, Christian, therefore, close upon your armour, and cry mightily into God, that by His Spirit you may endure to the end!!

~Charles Spurgeon
from Morning and Evening

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

all the time!

Good morning friends!
Well, I have been up since 5:30 this morning- I had to work on a nursing assignment that I just honestly didn't feel like doing last night. I went to Starbucks actually last night, and read and took notes instead. Still school, but the change of scenery definately helped. Only 21 more days...boy does that seem like an eternity.

It's been hard here, but God is still faithful. Walking through seasons of trial and spiritual dryness can cause my soul to become easily wearied. But I don't know.... even in the midst of all of this stuff, there is a peace I have come to know over these past months. Like a real trust in God. I know that Jesus is in it with me for the long haul. He won't ever give up on me, even when I don't want to read my Bible, don't want to seek Him in prayer, cuz I might be angry at Him for "not answering me lately", or don't want to worship. Just frankly not caring about anything because life gets hard, and I just don't want to deal with it anymore. Anybody hearing me? Please say yes ;)

But that's not what following Christ means. You don't just throw in the towel when things get tough. You don't "ditch" Jesus because He didn't do what you, a mere human, thought the Almighty God should have done. No. When you commit your life to Him, you are ransomed, bought, and it's a forever contract. You are no longer your own, your life is not your own, and your plans are certainly not your own.

We only see the edges of our Mighty God's ways. How unsearchable his thoughts! I'm actually quite content with letting God worry about everything because psh, I know I certainly can't!

So yes, just thought I'd share that with y'all. Be encouraged. If you are like me, and just discouraged about your faith or whatever, don't be. God has never ever ever failed you or I, and He certainly won't start today. He is faithful and good...all the time.

(okay yeah, so the video is a little cheesy ; ) But oh my goodness, is it encouraging!!!!)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Last Dance- PROM 2011 :))

You hem me in behind and before,
and you lay your hand upon me.

Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?

If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,”
even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to You!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

a little sneak peek...

I have been creating videos with lots and lots and LOTS of pictures for my graduation coming up! I will definately be sharing them with y'all, but want to keep it a secret 'till then ;)

But here's one of my favorites! Thank you Jesus for my wonderful Dad and Mama!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

the Kingdom.

It's been a rough week for me, friends. I'm in that final stretch, and honestly, I don't want to keep going. But oh, I am so close! I feel like I should be elated at being so near the end. But I'm not. At least not yet. I told my friend on the phone last night that "I'm just in that put your head down, don't think and run mode." That grueling final stretch of the race where your body is literally wasted, you are sore, tired, thirsty, and just mad. That's it. But I am clinging to something that encourages my heart every time I remember it.

My hero is Eric Liddel, and for those who don't know who he was, he was a true man of God, and an Olympian runner. Read a little bit about him here.
Anyways, there is an old movie called Chariots of Fire that was made about him, and it remains one of my favorite movies to this day. While there are hundreds of "favorite moments" for me throughout the movie, this is my favorite saying of his, and has been encouraging me more than I can say.

He is sharing his testimony about running for a large group of people, and asks this question:

"Where does the strength come from to see the race till the end??
From within."
Why can it come from within?
Because it is there that the kingdom of God dwells!
(Luke 17:21)

Wow. The kingdom of God me???

Yes! Praise God! Once again, he shows himself to be the wellspring of life, the never ending shower of mercy, power, strength and love. How good it is to be loved by Him, and to run for His glory!!

I am gonna make it, and I know that now. There is nothing that can hold me back, for I carry the kingdom in me! So goodness gracious, I'm gonna run my little heart out now. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011


"Surely the arm of the Lord is not
 too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear!"
Isaiah 59:1