Well its a GLORIOUS 75 degree, clear, sunny day here in Chesapeake, and I can honestly say that I have NEVER in my life been so excited to see pollen, yes pollen, covering everything! Because that means spring break, then the final stretch of high school, then graduating (whoot!!), then Hawaii, then new beginnings!!! Ahhhh I could scream I'm so unbelievably excited!!
Please keep praying for me! Pray for strength! Pray for continued favor as I close out this season and step into the next one! I'm honestly starting to feel just a teeny, tiny apprehensive and scared about this whole thing....but only the smallest bit ;)
Anyways, in light of all these changes that are getting ready to take place, I have also been thinking about this blog. I write because it brings me so much joy. I love sitting down and pouring out my heart to an unseen world of readers. I honestly have no idea who even reads what I write, or if anyone really does, but I will keep writing, only because I truly believe that the Lord has something for me to share. I can never think of these words on my own. I have to pray before I press one key, or I get all jumbled, frustrated, and the words never come out like I want.
That being said, I would also love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and/or suggestions about things that you would like to see on here! More pictures? More inspiring quotes from books I'm reading? More day to day encouragement? I want this to be a means of encouragement. The day it stops bringing glory to God and becomes about me is the day that I'll stop blogging. Cuz this is not about me. This is about Jesus. And all about bringing him glory through the things I share.
So please leave a comment or email me to share your thoughts! Thanks so much : )
Hi Hannah,
I have never commented on your blog before, but I can honestly say it is one of the most encouraging things I have ever read! I love how you bring God into everything you do, and since I go to public school as well, I can really relate to how hard and stressful that can be at times. My favorite things that you post are little glimpses into your everyday life and how God is always teaching us, through little and huge events!
God bless you!
Oh Christina, thank you!! Gosh that is so encouraging! I will definately keep that up!
God bless you too!! : )
i love reading how God is working in your life. but i would like to see more pictures too =)
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