Saturday, October 9, 2010

How He Loves...

So know you are a true writer when you wake up to a beautiful, peaceful morning  and you think to yourself "I should write about this!!" Haha I got it bad.

But I really couldn't help but give a little happy sigh as i opened my eyes this morning. The sun is shining, the sky is a beautiful clear blue, the chill of  fall is in the air, and i can hear my sweet family downstairs, already on the go. My favorite things about Saturday mornings are having a long luxurious cup of coffee with my Dad and Mama, enjoying my screened-in porch swing, and making my 3 younger sisters breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes are my favorite to make them :)

So as I lay here with a contented smile on my face, I just close my eyes once more and imagine how my Jesus reacts when I wake up. i KNOW He sees me stir each morning and just gets excited! He probably goes and grabs a couple angels and gets them to share in His pure excitement and joy to see that His little girl is up. and He does the same over you! We will never be able to imagine or comprehend the love our Savior has for us, dear friends.

We might be able to just scratch the surface but will never be able to wrap our minds around it. But His love just surrounds us, protects us, and comforts us. He is so good.

So here's to another day! Another opportunity to trust our great God. Another chance to glorify Him with our lives. And another day to live in the great love He has for us!


Melody said...

Aw, how beautiful! I love capturing beautiful times in writing or in photos as well. It brings such glory to God when you can share it with others. :)
Thank-you for following and commenting on my blog! You sound like a very sweet girl and I look forward to reading your blog posts!


She Will Move Mountains said...

I've never thought about the idea that God gets excited when HE sees me stir every morning, as I do at times when I think about what awaits me some special days. Lovely post, Hannah!

P.S. Thanks for stopping by DOTK and following my blog! =)

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

LOVE that last image :)