Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Beginning of the End

6 days left till school!! Woohooooo!
I cannot even begin to describe how excited I am to start this new year! Friends, the schedule of everyday life, and the end in sight...THAT is something to get excited about!

So what are my goals this year? What are my hopes? What are my visions?

I'll share a couple of them with y'all so you can be praying and can keep me accountable throughout the year ;)

1.) I want the Word of God to just flow from me this year as I finish this specific chapter in my life. His Word is my constant. It is the one and only thing that will remain the same all throughout this crazy life. I am committed to memorizing scripture, writing worship songs, and reading as much as I can.

 2.) I want to charge my high school with the Gospel. I want to share the wonderful truth with kids and teachers alike, knowing that this could very well be the only time they hear the good news of Christ. This will include investing as much as I can into the younger girls, whether they be in Young Life, at Sovereign Grace, or sitting alone in the cafeteria. SO many kids are crying out to feel loved and accepted...and I know I am the  answer to someones prayer.

3.) I want to start off my nursing career in a wonderful way. This means throwing everything I have into my work, even if it means sacrificing things i want to to. I have to just trust that the Lord will reward that one

4.) I want to have fun. I know this kinda contradicts my last one, but I believe I have missed out on so much joy because I have willingly decided to not participate in things because I'm tired or have stuff to do. I honestly forget I'm only 18 and that teenagers are kinda supposed to have fun sometimes.

5.) I am going to start my garden this year :) I know visibly having that in my yard, along with little things like making keifer and grinding my own flour for bread etc. will help keep my dream alive. I want to have a farm one day. I think God has put that desire in my heart, and I believe with all my being that it's going to be a reality someday. Call me silly, but I'm soooo excited!

So there they are friends! I'm sure there will be many more to come, but that's all I got right now :)
Thank you for praying and joining with me as I start this last leg of the race. There's a glorious finish line, and at last IT IS IN SIGHT!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Grace and peace, favor and success, joy and love....may all of these be yours in abundance. I love you. I can't believe I get to do life with you! Awesome God!