Oh my goodness, so yes, I have not blogged in what, over two months? Gaaaahhh. How I have missed writing! How I have missed sharing my heart on here. HOw I have missed just..well, blogging!
I have some CRAZY exciting things happening in my life right now! Wow, where to even begin! I will definitely share more details when I can, but this is gonna jujst be a quick update because my family is waiting for me to come enjoy dinner, and my computer keeps beeping, reminding me that yes, it is going to die very soon ahah.
The biggest thing right now is that I am GRADUATING nursing school on April 19th! Oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness words cannot explain my relief, my excitement, nor my anticipation for what lies ahead. We had our last clinical day today, so all that is left is Preceptorship week. I will be working a regilar shift as a nurse at the hospital. Monday 7-3, Tuesday 7-7, Thursday 7-3, and Friday 7-7....SHEW!! Prayers would be much appreciated ;) But then graduation, and done, praise the Lord.
I have been on a exciting journey since the beginning of the year, and it's been involving fitness! I am celebrating 30 days into my P90X program, and let me tell you, has it been a challange! But a great one. I am so motivated to stay im shape, because I know it will not only benefit me physically, but will help with so many other aspects of my life. I am already seeing some amazing results, and I am so STOKED! Will definitely be posting some pictures here soon :)
And the last thing is...well, I've totally met an amazing guy!! :) :) :) :) And I know you're going to hate me, but that's all I can say right at this point ;) But BELIEVE ME when the time comes, ya'll are gonna be sick of hearing all my sappy love stories hehehe. Jk. But please be praying! Will keep you posted!!
Alrighty friends, dinner calls. Thank you for being such faithful readers! Love you all! Happy weekend :-)
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