Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Great Exchange

Ever since I returned from YoungLife camp at Lake Champion, I have been encouraged to know God more. I can't tell you the last time I longed to know him deeper and to be more imtimate with Him. That hunger for His Word, that thirst for His encouragement, and that longing for His nearness....they all have been renewed. But how?

I believe part of the answer is found in something I've been reading about and studying in this book called A Young Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George (which is a must read by the way!)....and it's called

The Great Exchange.

I challange you to think, pray, and mediatate on what I'm about to share with you. Let it be the testimony you share with those around you. Let it be the song of your heart, the prayer of your morning, and the ever-present cry to your loving heavenly Father. He WANTS you to have these things in Him, and He promises that you will receive all you ask for in prayer.

So are you ready? I am!

Away from the world and hidden from public view, I exchange...

my weariness for His strength,

my weakness for His power,

my darkness for His light,

my problems for His solutions,

my burdens for His freedon,

my frustrations for His peace,

my turmoil for His calm,

my hopes for His promises,

my afflictions for His balm of comfort,

my questions for His answers,

my confusion for His knowledge,

my doubt for His assurance,

my nothingness for His awesomeness,

the temporal for the eternal, and

the impossible for the possible!!

So be encouraged dear friends. This can be true for each and every one of us today, this week, and for the rest of our lives. He is just waiting to make this great exchange!
Lift Your Eyes!